Willy Ingemann Olsen + Ella Pedersen

Children  ‎(1 child)‎

Parents Grandparents
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Willy Ingemann Olsen ‎(I37)‎
Birth 3 January 1910 30 22
Death 25 March 1997 ‎(Age 87)‎ -- Rantzausgade
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Jens Kristjan Olsen ‎(I21)‎
Birth 10 June 1879 37 39 -- Sædder, Bjæverskov, Præstø
Death 28 September 1965 ‎(Age 86)‎ -- Magistervej 58, st.th
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Kristiane Hansen ‎(I22)‎
Birth 2 March 1887 52 36 -- Hasle, Sydsjælland
Death 17 April 1973 ‎(Age 86)‎ -- Sct. Hans hospital Roskilde

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Ella Pedersen ‎(I96)‎
Birth 21 March 1910
Death 28 January 1995 ‎(Age 84)‎

Family Group Information   (F32)
Globally unique Identifier AFB804E61466134B8461A3181B390A557CE2